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Point of Law is a mouthpiece for the interests of the U S Chamber that masquerades as a fair minded look at the tort system. Read them for awhile and there is no doubt that they are full square behind the interests of big business and insurance companies.

The recent highlight of their disdain for the Constitution and rights of the consumer is a piece about concussions. Everywhere you look the medical community is pointing out that we need to have a greater concern about concussions. The Twins are going through the season without their prize first baseman Justin Morneau because of the injury. But, what do the experts over at Point of Law worry about? Well of course, that somehow it may increase awareness of claims.

They point out that AAJ is doing seminars on the issue and that *gasp*, lawyers are writing about the issue. Yes, God forbid that the information get out that there are long term affects of untreated concussions. Maybe, they should ask about NFL veterans with dementia.

What a world it would be where only they could have the courthouse.

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