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It was with great interest that I recently read Des Moines Register article about a drop in the number of Iowa State Troopers who would patrol the Iowa roads each night:

The State Patrol is down to 379 uniformed officers, its lowest level in 46 years. What that means: During overnight hours, there is no trooper on duty in a majority of the 14 field districts, an examination of state records shows.

I have to ask my friend down in Iowa, Steve Lombardi about this. Steve, what is going on and what affect is this having on cases? It seems to me that investigation may be affected and that there may be concerns about an increase in the usual cause for the many accidents we see. That there will be more speeding, drinking and driving, texting and driving, and less seatbelt wearers without effective enforcement?

The increase in the usual causes for accidents can mean dangerous things for people as they travel these roads? When you look at the cost of collisions, it may be a case of being penny wise and a pound foolish. This will be a change that hopefully other states will be observing to see what uneducated line item cuts can cause.


  1. Gravatar for Steve Lombardi
    Steve Lombardi

    Mike: You ask a good question and one that I don't believe anyone can answer yet. Most politicians will want to wait for the numbers and statistics, allowing common sense to sit on the sidelines. And common sense should tell us what we will see and that's exactly what you've pointed out. More risky driving, more distracted driving, more speeding, more accidents, more injuries, more deaths and more cost to the taxpayers than what it would have costed to leave more troopers on the road.

  2. Mike Bryant

    All very good points and all reasons that any citizen should be concerned. I saw a guy walking down town today with to guns out and strapped to his upper body. No idea who he was, but I hope that isn't the future. Thanks for the comment.

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