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I am amazed at how skilled well trained adjusters are at ruining people’s cases as they sit down, drink coffee, seem to act like they care and maybe even share a cookie or a treat. I will read the statement the innocent person  gave and see exactly what it was that the adjuster was honing in on and taking advantage of. It is not unusual to hear that an adjuster spent a half hour before turning on the recorder talking about all the issues and giving legal explanations of what things mean. The client will often tell me how good they felt after that meeting and how shocked they were that a week later a form letter arrived in their mailbox saying their client is not at fault.

The Statements are well planned out.   They are based upon one or two questions tucked neatly into a 20 minute recorded interview. I am sure those adjusters will claim that they were just getting to the truth. I see them just profiting by taking advantage of people who are just trying to do their best.

It is worth taking the time to talk to an experience personal injury lawyer.   Make sure you understand your rights.   Make sure have someone on your side.


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