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I wrote an article about farm equipment  over at the Minneapolis blog. It sparked a number of great comments from Ron Melancon about the national dangers of improperly attached trailers. He pointed out a great website for getting more information:

Looking the site over, it is filled with excellent information about the dangers. Recently, two local news stations took a look at a recent Memorial Day tragedy and how a loose trailer killed the father and two children of a woman who is interviewed by both:

From Kare11 Grieving mom hopes her tragic loss prevents other towing accidents

and KSDK they had Grieving mom hopes her tragic loss prevents other towing accidents

The importance was how cheaply a proper pin and a safety chain could have prevented the deaths. The Kare11 piece actually has a video of a properly attached trailer and an unsafe attachment. How the trailer takes off after it comes attached.

It is a great reminder and a better website to look at for the facts.


  1. Gravatar for Ron Melancon
    Ron Melancon

    Great Article.!! What do you do when you have Henrico County Government trying to prevent us from saving lives? Please know that even INSURANCE companies like Cincinnatti Insurance Group have destroyed evidence and even submitted other evidence to prevent paying a claim. This was settled..but the insurance company has prevented the family from becoming an advocate. Why?

  2. Gravatar for Ron Melancon
    Ron Melancon

  3. Gravatar for Ron Melancon
    Ron Melancon will never give up.

  4. Gravatar for Ron Melancon
    Ron Melancon

    Trailer hits airplane...and nobody cares?

  5. Gravatar for Ron Melancon
    Ron Melancon

    Trailer hits COPS CAR...and even they don't care..

  6. Gravatar for Ron Melancon
    Ron Melancon

    Homemade crappy trailer kills a cop and even they don't care?

  7. Mike Bryant

    All great additions Ron. Thanks Mike

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