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Each of us rely upon the other drivers on the roads. It is their poor choices that can have devastating affects:

– A semi truck slammed into two cars as he was trying to reach for an energy drink. Jason Styrbicky is now facing a year in jail. The time he took his eyes of the road caused the death of two women and an unborn child.

The crash happened in May of 2010 on Interstate 35 near Lakeville. , which were crushed between the semi and another truck that was hauling millions of bees. The bees were released on scene, which made the rescue efforts more difficult.

– A 38-year-old Starbuck man, Dana Schoen was charged with three counts of criminal vehicular homicide or operation, and one count of driving while intoxicated and is reported to have had a blood alcohol content of .351. The collision killed a 5-month-old boy, and left the boy's father and grandmother critically injured.

The boy's father, 33-year-old Brad Bigler, is the men's basketball coach at Southwest Minnesota State University.

Each of these deaths were preventable. In none of the cases did the person who was driving go out with the intent to have harm come to themselves or someone else, but we can all learn from each of these tragedies.

It is vital that you drive the car first and not let other things distract you. Don't drive impaired and stay behind the wheel, in control throughout the ride. We each need to be safe.

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