Its interesting to watch the flurry of lawsuits that have come out of the 2024 election. There has been settlements with ABC and a claim about a Des Moines Register poll Now we have a suit against CBS claiming 60 minutes interfered with the election and…
In both civil and criminal cases we are regularly reminding potential clients of the dangers of giving statements with out understanding the law and the importance of certain questions. How a cavalier or I’ve got nothing to hide attitude can be a gift to…
The counties very first pardon was by President George Washington. When he pardoned one hundred and fifty people who participated in the 1794 Whiskey Rebellion before they were convicted of treason. This is a great example of past use of the Presidential power to “pardon and reprieve” vested in…
It’s another MLK day. And each year , I have in the past posted one of his speeches about justice. This year it is a letter. Because he really was a believer in our great constituonal protections. He understood how the courts could be used…
I like many, am looking forward to the Monday night Vikings playoff game and was excited by the plan to move the game to a neutral site. It took the advantage of a true home game away from the Los Angeles Rams. It is very…
I thankfully have had some great opportunities in my carrier. I was in court Monday am after getting sworn in on a Friday afternoon. I was in the Little Falls courthouse Jan 2nd as it opened in 2000 I started a trial in Stearns County…
It’s a New Year. A time for renewal. A time for looking back. A time to make resolutions. My practice is to do this on a personal and professional level. Although I enjoy this practice so much the two can blend on many levels. My…
The warnings are out there. The police are upping their patrols over the next couple of days. From yesterday’s Minnesota Star Tribune: From 2017 through 2023, Jan. 1 has netted almost 11% more drunken driving arrests across Minnesota than the second-busiest holiday, Independence Day, according…
Apparently, Our next President (and former President) is suing another media unit. After settling with ABC. The claim is based on an argument that a poll the paper published the week before the election was inaccurate and attempted to interfere with the results. Since he…
The numbers don’t lie. There are more duis tonight than any night of the year. People get together , come back home , see family and bad decisions get made at the bar. Be safe. Don’t Drink and Drive.