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Anyone who has been to the doctor for a full examination understands the discomfort of hospital "peek-a-boo" gowns. I have always been bothered by stories of plaintiff, who are injured and are subjected to examinations by "Independent" doctors who the insurance companies hire and who are asked to get into gowns. Yes, neck and back injures and the "doctor" needs to undress them.

There may be some help on the horizon. Ben de Lisi, the fashion designer, is looking into a new design.

The BBC News reported Ben De Lisi’s idea as:

Ben de Lisi’s early concepts met with great approval

"The old hospital gown was hideous, embarrassing, ill-fitting and probably ill-making too.

"You are away from home, ill, and in hospital and you have to wear this horrific garment with your arse hanging out. Give me a break.

"I wanted the new gowns to feel fabulous and aspirational.

"They are made from beautiful cotton shirting which is very smooth, cool and lux."

The idea is that the patients will be more comfortable and that may help with their care. It will be interesting to see if these changes toward modesty and sensitivity will also mean that less of our clients will be placed in the open door gowns.


  1. Gravatar for Peg

    There is a company,mine, Spirited Sisters Inc., that has designed and manufactures a Patient Apparel garment we call the Original Healing Threads. Though we do provide medical establishments with these lovely, soft, comfortable, and entirely functional garments, our target is the individual who wants to wear something that is entirely theirs, that no one wore last week, that has their own smell and came from their own closet. Our Healing Threads are a favorite of people who want to send a gift of love and thoughtfulness to someone who has been diagnosed with an ailment that may send them to doc offices, treatment centers, etc.. They can wear our Healing Threads to and from these places without having to change clothes once they get there. Our Healing Threads are so fashionable they can be worn to work, shopping, to meetings, to lunch, etc., and no one knows they are actually for medical purposes! Fashionable, functional, and YOURS! Why depend on the medical world to provide you with something to wear for examinations?? Healing Threads are for you and make you look and feel more like you, including leaving your dignity and modesty intact! Thank you, Peg

  2. Mike Bryant

    Interesting idea, are you seeing any issue with people bringing in their own gown? Thanks for reading and the informative comment.

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