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The end of October, The U.S. Food Safety and Mars Snackfood US announced a nationwide recall of Dove Caramel Pecan Perfection ice cream because it contains undeclared peanuts. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to peanuts run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products. No related illnesses have been reported to date. For consumers who do not suffer from a peanut allergy or sensitivity, this product is safe to eat.

Subject to is recall is lot number (931AB5YN07) that was distributed only in the United States, and specifically to the following states: AL, CO, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MI, MN, NC, OH, OR, TX, UT, WA and WI. Dove Caramel Pecan Perfection is sold in a brown and gold 15.10 fl. oz. pint container and pictures a ribbon of caramel, pecans and a square of Dove® Brand Chocolate on the front.

Consumers can return the product to the store where they purchased it for a full refund. Questions may may be directed to the company at 800-551-0895

If you suffer from food poisoning, you need to get immediate medical care. If it continues or there are long term affects, you should contact an attorney concerning the problem. Early investigation can include the collection of samples, checking for health alerts, and the proper notifying of those who caused the problem.

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