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A great place to spend have a birthday is to take all of the kids where there are multiple moonwalks or bouncy inflatables. Both my boys have had their birthdays and attended others birthdays at places like this. Best of all, they are tired out at the end of the day, so parents pick up children who are not only filled with birthday cake, but also played out.

A rising concern is the cases where the child is harmed. Specifically, if the places are not following the requirements for good safe fun. Twenty-five states require that each of these inflatable providers follow the rules set by both manufacturers and an outside agency called the American Society for Testing and Materials:

• "Monitor activity on the inflatable devices at all times during operations";
• "Conform with or meet height, weight or age restrictions" for the inflatable;
• "Provide the appropriate number of attendants, according to a minimum specified by the manufacturer".

If you are having a party or attending one, you should make sure each of these rules are being followed. Many of these places require a written waiver, but that doesn't allow them to injure children without a care. Also, think about paying with a credit card to provide potential additional protections in certain cases.

If you or a family member is injured by a product, you need to get immediate medical care. If there is a significant affect or injury, you should contact an attorney concerning the problem. Early investigation can include the collection of product, checking recall alerts, and the proper notifying of those who caused the problem.

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