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Young sportsman rubbing his hit knee after crash in snow during ski training

Personal injury claims involving skiing and snowboarding accidents are inherently complex. Since you assume a certain amount of risk whenever you hit the slopes, blaming ski- or snowboard-related injuries on another party is incredibly challenging. As such, enlisting legal help before getting started is a wise choice.

Unfortunately, not all personal injury firms are equipped to handle skiing accident claims. For this reason, you shouldn’t necessarily hire the first attorney you find.

To ensure your claim will be in good hands—and will have the best chance of success—look for a seasoned lawyer who possesses the following:

1. A History of Resolving Similar Claims

You deserve counsel from someone who knows what they’re doing. Much of their casework might involve other kinds of accidents, but they should still have a firm grasp on skiing incidents, and they should have resolved at least a few claims that were comparable to your own.

2. A Track Record of Success

In the legal field, past wins don’t automatically guarantee future successes. They are indicative of tenacity, however, and they illustrate a pattern of fighting tirelessly on behalf of clients.

During your initial consultation, ask about the firm’s history. Have they secured six- or even seven-figure payouts for accident victims? Have they successfully navigated court proceedings to get their clients favorable judgements when settling proved impossible? While attorneys who have been practicing for decades will inevitably have a few losses under their belts, their wins should outweigh them considerably.

3. Trial Experience

Most skiing accident claims are settled. A small percentage do end up in court, though, so it’s wise to consider trial experience when evaluating lawyers. Should your case be one of the few that results in a formal lawsuit, you’ll want a knowledgeable litigator by your side every step of the way.

4. Honesty

Reputable attorneys always practice with honesty and integrity. They don’t make promises they can’t keep, for example, just to secure someone’s business. Instead, they discuss all possible outcomes openly, so the client has reasonable expectations should they choose to proceed. Some attorneys might discuss the most likely resolution if the client asks, but they’ll never make any guarantees.

In that same vein, trustworthy attorneys are transparent about their fee structure. Before getting started, they’ll make sure the client understands any one-time or ongoing out-of-pocket obligations, as well as the total contingency fee that will be due if the claim ends up yielding a payout.

Discuss Your Claim with a Skiing Accident Lawyer in St. Cloud

Are you struggling financially in the aftermath of a skiing accident? If you think you wouldn’t have gotten hurt had another party exercised reasonable care, turn to Bradshaw & Bryant for help seeking compensation.

We’ll conduct a thorough investigation and use all the resources at our disposal to gather the evidence needed to prove liability and damages. To set up a free initial consultation with a skiing accident attorney in St. Cloud, call 320-259-5414 or fill out our Contact Form.

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