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During the first week of August, 8 children die of heatstroke in cars in the United States. Kids and Cars documented the list as :

On Aug. 2 in Smyrna, Tenn., a boy, 3, and girl, 2, died after being left in their mother's vehicle.
On Aug. 2 in Tamarac, Fla., a boy, 4, died after being left behind in a daycare van.
On Aug. 3 in Springdale, Ark., a boy, 2, died after being left in his great-grandparents' vehicle.
On Aug. 3 in Newport, Ark., a girl, 16 months, died in a hot vehicle.
On Aug. 4 in Benton County, Ark., a boy, 3, died after getting into a vehicle and not being able to escape.

On Aug. 6 in Albuquerque, N.M., a boy, 2, died after being left in a daycare parking lot.

On Aug. 7 in Nashville, Tenn., a boy, 5 months, died after being left in the family's minivan.

Unfortunately, some of these cases involve parents forgetting the child is in the car. Kids and Cars and Safe Kids USA urge parents to check the back seat every time they exit the vehicle and to create a reminder system for themselves. also recommends using one of these devices as an extra safety layer along with our Look Before You Lock BE SAFE safety precautions:

Back seat – Put something in the back seat so you have to open the door when leaving the vehicle – cell phone, employee badge, handbag, etc.
Every child should be correctly restrained in the back seat.

Stuffed animal – Move it from the car seat to the front seat to remind you when your baby is in the back seat.
Ask your babysitter or child-care provider to call you within 10 minutes if your child hasn't arrived on time.
Focus on driving – Avoid cell phone calls and texting while driving.
Every time you park your vehicle open the back door to make sure no one has been left behind.

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