I’ve been spending a lot of the summer in start and stop traffic. There have been one lane shutdowns along I-94, which have been doubling the trip time from St Cloud to the Twin cites. Sure, it can be a hassle, but the reality is, that a better road will make the trip easier come fall and winter. The unfortunate sight, is to see the number of collisions that slow things down even before the construction zone.
There are big signs, electric notices and state workers out there in orange vests. But still, people drive to fast and continue to not pay attention as they call and suffer from, as my fellow writer from Oklahoma Noble McIntyre describes, driving inTEXTicated .
This next Month there will be major shutdowns along 94 south of St Cloud. From The St Cloud Times:
Some lanes on Interstate Highway 94 will close from Clearwater to St. Michael beginning Tuesday through mid-October.
Drivers may see some left-lane closures on westbound and eastbound Interstate Highway 94 from Clearwater to the Minnesota Highway 241/St. Michael exit.
Construction crews will be working on shoulders along the center median of the freeway, according to a news release from the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
Hopefully, people will be on the alert and not add to the slowdowns.
Also keep in mind that work zones come with double fines.
Other safety tips include:
- Stay alert, expect the unexpected.
- Allow ample space between you and the car in front of you.
- Anticipate lane shifts – merge when directed to do so.
- Don’t change lanes unnecessarily.
- Don’t speed in work zones; obey the posted speed limits.
- Avoid using mobile phones while driving in work zones.
- Be especially alert at night while driving in work zones.
- Be patient!

A founding partner with Bradshaw & Bryant, Mike Bryant has always fought to find justice for his clients—knowing that legal troubles, both personal injury and criminal, can be devastating for a family. Voted a Top 40 Personal Injury "Super Lawyer" multiple years, Mr. Bryant has also been voted one of the Top 100 Minnesota "Super Lawyers" four times.
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