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During this week of June, I am addressing common questions that get asked in our practice. Today's Question is: Who in your office has access to my file?

In most cases, it is the individuals who are working on your file. While we do have a file room, we have enough other cases that very few people are actually involved with the actual management of your case. As your attorney, I will always have access to your file, and will make myself available to either personally talk to you or have a phone conference. We also have paralegals working on each case who deal with the day-to-day case management, and the answering of non-legal questions. There are individual staff members who are involved in the production of letters, filing, and communications with others in the office. If you have any issues concerning the treatment of your file, those are good things to bring up at the initial consultation.

These questions are not intended to replace a consultation with an attorney, nor do they take into consideration facts that may differ about your particular case. Here at the Injuryboard, we have experienced attorneys who can deal with your individual questions and best help you with your case. Feel free to get the help you need by contacting one of us.

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