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Fall and harvest time is always a time of a lot of activity out in the areas around St Cloud. Like many rural areas around the country, the farmers are in the fields. Research indicates that unfortunately there are 700 farmers killed and another 120,000 are injured each year.

The areas to watch out for are working around the equipment. Proper guards should be in place and all employees should be trained in the equipment's use.

The many dangerous chemicals that are used need to be used properly and handled with care. All directions need to be followed.

All children involved should be watched and properly trained. Yearly, 200 children are killed in farm incidents. These happen sometimes while they work, but also when they are just watching from the side.

The University of Minnesota Extension Services has a great website that should be reviewed.

There is also the National Safety Council, which provided the helpful tips of:

  • Develop a safety and health plan tailored to your operations, family and employees. Such plans include a hazardous communications program for family and employees, a lock-out tag­out program for equipment, a fire protection plan, chemical storage plan, farm safety rules and regulations, an emergency field communications plan, and a plan in the event a serious farm injury or death occurs. All plans should be committed to writing and reviewed annually.
  • Train your help, inform them of your written plans and rules, enforce farm safety rules and see that personal protective equipment is cared for and worn.
  • Carry out regular safety inspections of equipment and facilities. Make necessary repairs and keep guards and shielding on.
  • Buy quality products, then use them and care for them as directed in product manuals, labels or as instructed by product suppliers.
  • Keep children off and away from machinery. Give youngsters chores they can safely handle based on their age and ability.
  • Take care of your health and respect the limitations of mind and body. Take action to reduce stress. Resolve to get enough rest and take work breaks to help reduce fatigue.
  • Keep informed about safety, health and environmental issues. Attend local events about them.

It's a great time of year as they get a give us many products we will be eating and enjoying in the coming months. Hopefully, it will be a safe one.

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