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Now that many are back to school there are buses back on the roads. Dues to budget restraints there have been changes in many routes. Kids are being driven more and walking long distances. They may be facing more transfers from vehicle to buses. All of these changes add up to the need to watch out.


  • Need to be taught to always keep in mind that cars may not see them
  • they need to be dressed in ways they can be seen
  • They need to be taught proper exiting and walking habits.


  • Need to always be watching.
  • Need to make sure kids are not left in cars or put in unsafe conditions.
  • Need to make sure the safest routes to school are used.

All of us

  • Need to watch for kids on the road
  • Slow down for school buses and other vehicles where children are exiting
  • Ask ourselves if the funding choices of less busing routes makes sense, especially with the increased risks.

With School Safety month upon us it's important we all do our part to make this a safe start to the new School Year.

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