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It’s amazing what the U S Chamber will do or say. They are for free enterprise and against governmental interference while they beg for government hand outs. They claim to represent all businesses, while regularly being the voice of big business. They support business lawsuits as protected litigation, while attacking the rights of the consumers all out.

But we may have found the winner of doublespeak. When opposing a bill which would allow plaintiff attorneys to deduct costs when they are spent, they come out with the following statement:

Those who practice plaintiffs’ lawyer work learn quickly that it is a business similar to other capital businesses. Capital is placed at risk and a judgment is made whether or not it will bring a profit. Today the costs of litigation act as a curb against marginal and frivolous litigation.

Well isn’t that interesting:

1) First it’s not true that other businesses are forced to wait to deduct their costs. They get to deduct them at the time they are spent.

2) Nice to see that they are finally admitting that we are businesses.

3) The last two lines are exactly what we have been saying for years. You don’t make money off of frivolous cases. It will be interesting how their next video of extreme claims against lawyers will forget that they ever said these words.

The tax change would be nice. Now we have to wait until the end of a case to deduct the costs no matter how many years before the costs were incurred. But, it’s been like this for years and it’s not going to really change what cases we take. I wonder if this is the first tax change the U S Chamber has ever opposed.

The thing is that the U S Chamber really isn’t against frivolous suits. They just don’t want their Big Business welfare recipients to be sued. They want to take away the rights of the consumer. They will say and do anything to achieve these plans. Hopefully, people will stop believing it.


  1. Gravatar for Daniel 8791
    Daniel 8791

    Kudos Mike. You are playing really good ball right now, way to go !

  2. Gravatar for Mike Bryant
    Mike Bryant

    Thanks, and also thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

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