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*** News Conference Schedule Advisory ***

For Wednesday, March 4th at 11:00 a.m.

North Dakota Clergy Sexual Abuse Report containing 53 Perpetrator Names and Assignments to be released at Fargo News Conference Wednesday

An Investigation into the more than 50 Catholic Clergy from Fargo and Bismarck Dioceses. Released by Dioceses in January 2020 with Incomplete Information.

At a news conference Wednesday (3/4/2020) at 11:00 a.m. the law firm of Bradshaw & Bryant, PLLC and O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss will:

Release a new report on the assignment history of the 53 priests listed in publications by the Fargo and Bismarck Dioceses of priests with substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor

With the assignment history, provide vindication and acknowledgment to survivors of clergy abuse

Demand the release of the files pertinent to the histories of each perpetrator so the public and law enforcement know who was complicit in concealing this hazard

Call on the N. D. Attorney General to investigate the files of priests within the Fargo and Bismarck Dioceses to determine the full breadth and depth of the Dioceses’ knowledge and cover-up of clergy abuse

Call on North Dakota legislators to open up the statute of limitations so that

offenders can no longer be shielded from civil remedies


Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.

Law Offices of O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss

720 Main Ave, Fargo

Contacts: Michael Bryant: Cell: 320-255-5585 Office: 320-259-5414

Tim O’Keeffe: Cell: 701-371-6897 Office: 701-235-8000

Tatum O’Brien: Cell: 701-730-0096 Office: 701-235-8000

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