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The Diocese of Duluth released a of  17 priests accused of sexually abusing minors..  Included in that list were the names of 3 former St John’s Abby Priests:

Rev. Othmar Hohmann, OSB
Date of birth: 1/28/1900
Date of ordination: 6/7/1931
Cleric’s prior assignments in diocese:
Asst. Pastor: St. Joseph’s Church, Grand Rapids – 8/1/1966-1976
Diocese or religious order:
Priest of the Order of St. Benedict
Date removed from ministry: Retired in 1976
Current location: Deceased
Current status: Died 1/24/1980


Rev. Brennan Maiers, OSB
Date of birth: 4/27/1936
Date of ordination: 6/1/1963
Cleric’s prior assignments in diocese:
Chaplain: St. Scholastica Priory – 1/ 4/1991 – 4/1996
Adjunct Chaplain: St. Mary’s Medical Center, Duluth – 1/4/1991 -4/1996
Chaplain: Federal Prison Camp – 6/1/1992 – 4/1996
Diocese or religious order:
Priest of the Order of St. Benedict
Date permanently removed from ministry: 6/2002
Current location: St. John’s Abbey, Collegeville, MN
Current status: Permanently removed from ministry


Rev. Angelo Zankl, OSB
Date of birth: 04/19/1901
Date of ordination: 5/29/1926
Cleric’s prior assignments in diocese:
St. Clement’s, Duluth – 7/18/1951 – 8/8/1967
Chaplain: St. Scholastica Priory – 10/1/1974 – 5/30/1987
Left the Diocese: 5/30/1987
Diocese or religious order:
Priest of the Order of St. Benedict03
Date removed from ministry: Deceased at time of allegation
Current location: Deceased
Current status: Died 7/12/2007

There are still  other lists out there,  including lists that have been kept by the Abbey.

Abuse of children and the continued silence by the offenders needs to be prevented. If you suffered, saw, or suspected such events, it is important to know that there is help out there.


  1. Gravatar for Bob Schwiderski
    Bob Schwiderski

    I see the Archdiocese, the Diocese of Duluth, the Diocese of St Cloud, and St Johns have Brennen Maiers on their lists. I suppose because he admitted to abusing they think he is now the 'tactical' lamb. I will not accept Maiers as a replacement for the other 40+ clerics not identified in these reports. Bob Schwiderski

  2. Mike Bryant

    You are correct. It will be interesting once all of the lists are disclosed to see what is missing in just cross referencing. You would think they have no contact with each other at all.

  3. Gravatar for Bob Schwiderski
    Bob Schwiderski

    The child rapist - Roger Vaughn - is on the crosier/archdiocese/stcloud lists -- yet he is an active episcopal priest in New York. I laugh at how the crosiers play it, 'they say he was removed from the crosiers in 2003' what? did they give him a train ticket or a one way plane ticket to new york ?

  4. Mike Bryant

    He is identified at as He is last known to have been a chaplain at a Staten Island hospital in 2000. Yes there are many questions

  5. Gravatar for Bob Schwiderski
    Bob Schwiderski

    Here's :

    Here’s the roger vaughn link, he's an “active” abusive priest on the archdiocese/stcloud/crosier lists:

    Vaughn is still an active priest in New York !!

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