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Despite the historically low numbers for overall Minnesota highway deaths, the numbers of pedestrians killed went up and bicycle riders went down slightly. For pedestrians there was a 3% increase in overall collisions from 860 to 883 and an giant increase in deaths from 25 to 41.

For bicyclists the number of riders crashes went down from 981 to 957, but the number or injures went from 942 in 2008 to 963 and deaths went from 13 to 10 in 2009. As with motorcycles the highest numbers of death took place in the afternoon between 4 and 5 pm.

Startling in the numbers were the effects of alcohol. 33 of the 41 pedestrians killed had the presence of alcohol in their system. A third of them had a concentration great then .10. Bicycles saw a much bigger problem with the failure to yield the right away for both themselves and with vehicles involved as a cause.

Our firm has looked at a lot of these cases. A coverage question always comes up with people injured when they aren’t in a vehicle. A person, will be covered for no fault benefits under their own policy, as a resident relative in their home or if they have no coverage, by the No Fault from the car they were hit by. If there is no coverage on the car, the bills may then go to the assigned claims bureau for coverage.

Beyond No Fault , the question of liability concerning the cars actions and those of the pedestrian/bike rider will need to determined. Early investigation may be necessary to make these determinations.

When crossing the street makes the following suggestions:

  • Find a safe place to cross

  • Look both ways when crossing

  • Keep looking while crossing

  • For car, make sure you see pedestrians.

For bike riders:

  • -Always wear a helmet. Bicycle helmets can reduce head injuries by 85 percent.
  • -Use hand signals to indicate which direction you want to turn.
  • -Be aware and alert at all busy intersections. Make yourself known to motorists.
  • -Have reflectors or lights when riding at night.
  • -Pass on the left, and be ready to hit the brakes. Keep a good passing distance.
  • -Be aware and leave room for motorists trying to make right-hand turns.
  • -The paths in Boulder have 15 mph speed limits; follow the speed guidelines.
  • -Don’t wear headphones when riding, and yield to traffic when entering roadways.

For all of you in cars

  • slow down
  • look out
  • don’t drink and drive

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