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There was good news with the initial data from the Minnesota State Patrol showing that highway deaths went down by 20 in 2013 from the final 2012 total. The 373 total is  below, 2011 which had 385,  2010 which had 420 traffic fatalities, which was one less then 2009, compared to 455 in 2008 , and 567 in 2004.

Later reports will tell us the final numbers for motorcyclist deaths,teenagers 16-19, and what the involvement of seat-belts contributed. It should also tell us about the involvement of alcohol in the deaths.

Our sympathies go out to all of those involve who were injured or lost. As with any death in a Minnesota motor vehicle collision, there are a number of issues that will need to be reviewed. My partner, Joe Crumley, addressed this topic in a article for the Minnesota Lawyers Trial magazine. I was interviewed on the same topic

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