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It’s always interesting to hear how many times tort reformers want to stay away from emotion. They will point out that single stories shouldn’t sway any argument. Now they may be the same groups that like to talk about some odd Urban legend lawsuit or even a frivolous claim that went nowhere in the system, but that’s just further examples of their hypocrisy.

This week, there is the real example of the 32-year-old woman who went into the Brooklyn Hospital Center in New York City and was diagnosed with kidney stones problems and sent home. Over the next 24 hours, she developed a sepsis infection. She is now legally blind and lost all of her limbs. A horrible story that should have never happened.

Tort reformers will not want to talk about this case. It doesn’t fit well with the idea of blocking the courthouse door and limiting recoveries. The woman now wears her wedding ring around her neck. She is showing an incredible amount of perseverance. I would guess she lives with the responsibility of that in her life every single minute of each day.

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