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As part of the every growing peanut butter recall NutriSystem Peanut Butter Granola Bars are also being recalled. The affected product, NutriSystem brand Peanut Butter Granola Bar (U.S. version), is sold in 40 gram (1.41 oz.) packages bearing an English-only label, UPC 6 32674 32016 2 and lot code TC08158A, TC08188A, TC09158A, TC09168A, TC09178A, TC11148A or TC11178A.

This product is sold exclusively through the American NutriSystem website ( and toll-free phone number (1-800-435-4074). A Canadian version of the product, sold through the Canadian NutriSystem website ( and toll-free phone number (1-877-368-8446), is not affected at this time.

Consumers can contact NutriSystem at 1-866-491-6425 or by email: .

The problem is FDA testing is finding Salmonella in the peanut butter used in these products. Most people infected with Salmonella develop the symptoms 12 to 72 hours after infection. The illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days, and most people recover with treatment. However, in some persons, the diarrhea may be so severe that the patient needs to be hospitalized. It can be deadly to infants, the elderly and those that are sick all ready. For more information on Salmonella bacteria, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Website at

If you or a family member is injured by a product, you need to get immediate medical care. If there is a significant affect or injury, you should contact an attorney concerning the problem. Early investigation can include the collection of product, checking recall alerts, and the proper notifying of those who caused the problem.

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