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Blogs about the peanut butter salmonella outbreak are all over the Injuryboard. The thousands of people and dog food items that have been recalled is staggering. Add to that the information that continues to come out about the conditions at the two plants, the failure in governmental oversight and the basic lies that have been told about how big this this was and it is a bleak story of greed and a health danger.

Beyond these issues, we have to look also at the shelf life of peanut butter. It is estimated that these products may be able to sit for as many as two years and still seem safe. This means that we will have to watch that withdrawn products don’t reappear in other markets. It means that all consumers will have to keep a eye out for what has peanut butter in it, for a very long time. Hopefully, not as long as the owners behind these problems sit in prison.

For those who lost loved ones due to these poisons the time will never be to short for them to find justice. But, too know that there are more time bombs sitting out there that could still cause problems is a great concern.

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