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This past week, Watonwan county saw five car accidents on January 3rd. In reviewing the evidence for all five collisions, the deputies found the weather conditions and speed to be contributing factors. With freezing rain combining with snow, slippery conditions were a big problem for anyone going too fast.

Thankfully more people weren’t hurt. When driving, the DPS and MnDOT provide the following Winter road tips :

  • Always use seat belts.

  • Accelerate and decelerate slowly on icy/snow-covered roads to retain traction and avoid skids.

  • Do not use cruise control.

  • Do not “power up” hills, which may cause wheels to spin. Build momentum before reaching a hill and don’t stop while traveling uphill. Reduce speed before going downhill.

  • Know your brakes. Keep the heel of your foot on the floor and use the ball of the foot to apply firm, steady pressure on the brake pedal.

  • Give yourself plenty of travel time. Don’t put your schedule before safety.

  • Clear snow and ice from vehicle windows, hood, headlights, brake lights and directional signals.

  • Headlights must be turned on when it is snowing or sleeting.

Most police officers asked say the key is usually to Just Slow Down.

I’ve been blogging about these types of accidents for a while. Hopefully, all of those involved will get better soon.

If you are in an accident, make sure to get the names of anyone who indicates they saw what happened. If you witness an accident, check to see if everyone is OK and stay around or at least give the drivers your contact information. If you are injured, seek the advice of an attorney who does that kind of work and who can explain your coverages and rights.

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