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Seemed like quite a month with Dui/Dwi’s from a number of celebrities:

"American Pie" actor Chris Kleinis alleged to be driving while .22

Motley Crue’s Vince Neil was arrested in Las Vegas.

Amy Locane from Melrose Place and Cry-Baby was arrested as part of a collision that sent two to the hospital.

Maybe, we just hear about this happening more because of the internet. It makes you wonder if that’s a good thing? Do their arrests remind us that we each need to be safe? Or do they glamorize the action? Does it become cool to get one like the celebrates do?

I would suggest that the best education will come from the consequences. When we find out if celebrates get special treatment. What happens with their driver license, fine and time served in jail. It would also be helpful, if they be required to help with the message that DUI’s can be deadly.

Some might suggest that celebrities don’t get the breaks they used to. When you look at the 24 hour coverage, it probably isn’t as easy to just look the other way. In the long run it should at least serve as a reminder to not drink and drive.

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    Actually, Amy Locaine killed someone.

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