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For the second time this weekend, a semi truck rear ended a stopped vehicle on Minnesota highways. A car was stopped on Highway 212 waiting to make a left turn onto County Road 51 when a eastbound semitrailer rear ended the car. The impact pushed the car into a oncoming pickup truck.

The driver or the car and the pick up were killed. The four passengers of the truck, including three small children, were all taken to the hospital. The causes are still being investigated. In each incidence law enforcement will be looking at the different vehicles involved and what their type and size had to do with the resulting deaths.

As with any death in a Minnesota motor vehicle collision, there are a number of issues that will need to be reviewed. My partner, Joe Crumley, addressed this topic in a recent article for the Minnesota Lawyers Trial magazine. I was interviewed last year on the same topic. For the families and friends involved sorrow goes out for their loss. A speedy recovery is hoped for the small children and their family member.


  1. Gravatar for Daniel 8791
    Daniel 8791

    Too many of these serious semi-truck accidents. I feel that there needs to be more accountability within the trucking community and a way to keep log sheets and reports more "watched" for the safety of the public.

  2. Gravatar for Mike Bryant
    Mike Bryant

    There is an ongoing debate here at the Injuryboard with a number of the posts about this issue. There are strong vocal opponents that don't seem to agree. These are big giant things that cause a lot of damage when they aren't driven correctly. I have represented a lot of long time truck drivers , so I respect the profession, but like any other negligent defendant they need to accept responsibility. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

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