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Saturday afternoon, the Minnesota State Patrol arrested a van driver that rear ended and killed Paynesville Harley-Davidson motorcycle rider and his passenger. The collision took place on highway 55 very close to town.

Drinking and driving has so many examples out there of the horrible consequences in the poor choice. Unfortunately, the drunker the person, the less likely they are going to make the correct choice.

The rules are simple and must always be followed:

  • Don’t Drink and Drive
  • Use designated drivers
  • Always remember that the more you drink, the more your odds of making bad choices increase.
  • As drivers on the road: It’s also worth keeping in mind, the deadliest roads in Stearns county to try to stay away from at night

Recent research indicates that deaths involving motorcycles are down in Minnesota, but at the same time those deaths linked to drinking and driving have increased. As with any highway death, there are a number of issues that will need to be reviewed. My partner, Joe Crumley, addressed this topic in a article for the Minnesota Lawyers Trial magazine. I was interviewed on the same topic. There are also insurance issues that need to be reviewed as to what coverages ( No fault, Liability , and UM/UIM) are available. In this case sorrow for the families and Friends of the two riders goes out.

With the weather staying warm enough to ride and gas prices rising again more people are driving fuel efficient alternatives. It’s important that the following be kept in mind:

1. Yield the right-of-way.

2. Start seeing motorcycles.

3. When on a motorcycle, make sure people see you.

4. When just starting to ride, make sure you have the correct training.

The road is big enough for everyone.

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