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Friday afternoon, a 2003 Ford Taurus, was crossing Hwy. 169 from west Curley Avenue in Coleraine, when it pulled out in front of a school bus carrying the Ely High School football team. In the car were three teenage girls. Two were taken to the hospital in critical condition and one passenger was killed. As a result of the tragedy, school officials canceled Friday night’s homecoming game and dance scheduled at Onamia High School.

It is clear that a large number of family and friends will be affected by this event. Sympathy goes out to all involved for their losses. As a parent, it is always scary to hear that a school bus is involved. While there were no major injuries reported on the bus. The most resent research indicates that 17,000 children end up in the emergency room each year after being injured on the bus. It is important that we continually protect such a large group of traveling young adults.

The State patrol is still investigating what happened. It will be interesting to see if speed and inexperience driving will play a role, as it does in so many highway deaths.

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