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There are two times when insurance companies are very interested in the activities of those they insure. They are very interested in ensuring that the premiums get paid and they are again very interested when asked to pay out. Make sure you review everything when filling out the application and the fine print of the coverage.

Don't except advice from agents, who act like the application isn't important. Also make sure you think through each question. We see this every once in awhile, when a person is denied medical coverage, disability benefits, or life insurance. Sometimes the companies yell fraud, but usually it's just a simple denial, even over a little mistake.

I got thinking about this as I read about a woman who is fighting the NRA to get life insurance benefits after the death of her husband. The claim is being denied because the NRA is claiming that the man's death on a tractor is considered the same as a death while intoxicated in a motor vehicle.

If you have a dispute over coverage seek out the help of an experienced lawyer who can help you review the denial. Also do your best to review all the questions and answer them the best you can.

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